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Thank You For Your Support!
Interested in sponsoring a musician's chair? Just specify the amount and add your
preferred chair in the notes section of the web form.
Friends of the Symphony - $100+
President's Circle - $200+
Conductor's Circle - $500+
Bronze Circle - $1,000+
Silver Circle - $2,000+
Gold Circle - $5,000+
Platinum Circle - $10,000+
Diamond Circle - $20,000+
Chair Donations
Demonstrate your support for our musicians and the music we create through a season-long chair sponsorship. On sale now for 2024-25, chairs are available in the following categories and will sell out fast! Donor’s names will appear in all four concert programs next to the sponsored chair.
Conductor/Music Director - $1000
Concertmaster - $800
Chair Sponsors (21 total) - $350 each
"The mission of the Solano Symphony Orchestra is to entertain and enrich the lives of our diverse audiences by contributing to the cultural and economic vitality of our communities."
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